I’ve got an old Elecraft KX1 I love. It is a perfect transceiver when you go hicking or travelling.
I am lucky to have the internal ATU so I could fire a wire in a tree and let’s the ATU do its work. But with a maximum of 3W, it is better sometimes to set up an antenna which can radiate the full power you have, without dissipating power in the ATU.
Because I have the 30m option, I will need an antenna for the 40-30-20m.
I will build an End Fed Half Wave antenna for different reasons:
- you don’t need a long feeder (less weight when traveling)
- you can use it as an inverted Vee or a slopper
- you feed the antenna from its end (you can use it from your hotel window as a slopper)
- you can use a light fishing pole (which doesn’t have to resist to the coax weight)
- As a half wave antenna, you don’t need radials
So let’s build a light EFHW.
to be continued.
La suite à lire sur le site de : http://f5iyj.com/2016/01/