The KiwiSDR is an up and coming VLF/LF/MF/HF capable SDR that has a large 30 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth and coverage from 10 kHz to 30 MHz. It is designed to be low cost and used as an online internet based SDR in a similar way to how WebSDR is used, however KiwiSDR is designed to be used with the OpenWebRX software from András Retzler, HA7ILM. It uses a LTC 14-bit 65 MHz ADC and Xilinx Artix-7 A35 FPGA, and also has an integrated SDR based GPS receiver which is used to automatically compensate for any frequency drift from the main 66.6 MHz oscillator. The features of the KiwiSDR include:
- 100% Open Source / Open Hardware.
- Includes VLF-HF active antenna and associated power injector PCBs.
- Browser-based interface allowing multiple simultaneous user web connections (currently 4).
- Each connection tunes an independent receiver channel over the entire spectrum.
- Waterfall tunes independently of audio and includes zooming and panning.
- Multi-channel, parallel DDC design using bit-width optimized CIC filters.
- Good performance at VLF/LF since I personally spend time monitoring those frequencies.
- Automatic frequency calibration via received GPS timing.
- Easy hardware and software setup. Browser-based configuration interface.
The KiwiSDR is currently in beta testing and has released two OpenWebRX beta test sites which can be used at:
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KiwiSDR: 30 MHz Bandwidth SDR for VLF/LF/MF/HF